Please read the following information. By submitting this completed form, you indicate you have read and agreed to the terms. We will then contact you to schedule one of our consultants to assist you.
1. CONTRACT: By clicking Accept below, you hereby contract with Affinity Consulting Group, LLC (ACG).
2. PAYMENT: We bill monthly for our services and our invoices are due upon receipt and considered late when they are 30 days old and subject to 18% interest (or applicable statutory interest). If you dispute any charges, you must contact us within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the disputed invoice or all charges on some shall be deemed due, payable and accepted by all parties. We reserve the right to request a reasonable retainer.
3. TRAVEL EXPENSES: You are responsible for all reasonable travel expenses including parking, mileage, tolls, airfare, accommodations, consultant time while traveling and meals enroute to/from and while we are engaged in, or enroute to, providing on site services to your law firm.
4. GENERAL DISCLAIMER: You must ensure there is a valid full system backup in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Please also be aware that ACG did not create, write or edit the pre‐packaged software that we re‐sell. We also do not manufacture hardware or networking equipment. As such, ACG provides no warranty for the software or hardware, either express or implied. Such warranties exist directly between you, the purchaser, and the software/hardware manufacturer/developer. We assume no responsibility for any consequential or incidental damages due to lost data/programs, defects in parts or labor, and/or software program loss, data loss or restoration. Our liability for damages with respect to the services provided shall in no event exceed the charges previously paid by your firm for these services.
5. CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: Our company recognizes that you have certain ethical and legal obligations to keep your client information confidential. We understand and will hold all of your firm's proprietary, client, and work product information that we may learn in conjunction with our services in complete confidence and we will not disclose the information to anyone outside of our company. This may include business records, financial plans, customer lists and records, trade secrets, technical information, work product, client file, your client's identity, and your client's billing information.